NFTME, Amazon’s new series.

The ability to digitally authenticate almost everything, as well as the ability to monetize in ways that no one could have imagined before. These are some of the ways nonfungible tokens are introduced in the documentary series “NFTMe” (NFTs).The show features artists, collectors, and industry professionals from around the world discussing their experiences with NFTs and how the marriage of art and technology has improved their daily lives.

Susaye Green of The Supremes, Queen Diambi Con, Refik Anadol, Madonna’s music producer, Peter Rafelson, and Cheryl Douglas of Portion, who launched NFT collections for the Black-Eyed Peas, are just a few of the 50 pioneers in the NFT area who are profiled in six 30-minute episodes of NFTMe.In the first episode, the NFT community is examined along with the journeys of various individuals through digital culture. Prominent influencers explain NFTs and blockchain technology, and the Queen of the Congo describes how her tribes have a Web3 mindset. The second episode explores Refik Anadol’s collaboration with NASA and how a 20-year-old request from Eminem inspired an NFT trip.

The subsequent episodes examine the social effects of digital transformation, tokenization in the music industry, metaverse disruption, and NFTs’ role in identifying and elevating artists. They also examine how brands are collaborating with NFTs to understand new audiences and generations.The award-winning director Jonny Caplan and movie producer Tech Talk Media are responsible for the documentary series. The production began in 2019 and had to be modified due to Covid-19 restrictions, according to an official announcement from Tech Talk. “This included sending in A.I. Robots equipped with Li-Dar sensors enabling the Director to remote move, direct, and communicate through.”

"NFTMe intends to be the MTV of NFTs’, providing the default go-to for information on NFTs in a clear, understandable, and effective way, enabling viewers to absorb the plethora of terminology, diversity, and opportunity in the Web3.0 realm, whilst experiencing the culture, the mood, the style, and the energy."

The series will start streaming to USA and UK say a few sources, then by the beginning of 2023 it will stream globally.